
Dodi Leksono S.TP

September 12, 2008

Dodi Leksono S.TP adalah seorang alumni THP yang telah sukses dalam merintis karirnya. Cowok yang lahir di Purworejo, 26 April 1983, dulunya merupakan mahasiswa yang sangat aktif dalam mengikuti beberapa kegiatan antara lain training dan seminar, dan berbagai organisasi di kampus, saat ini beliau bekerja di sebuah perusahaan yang bernama PT. Central pertiwi Bahari (CHAROEN PHOKPAN GROUP) pada bagian System and Processing.
(DLM) Agriculture Facullty UNSOED
Aktif mengikuti berbagai kesempatan training dan seminar, antara lain: ISO 22000 Internal Auditor Training held by PT Centralpertiwi Bahari (CHAROEN PHOKPHAN GROUP) Quality Assurance, 2006; HACCP Training held by Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, 2006; Basic Management Training by PT Centralpertiwi Bahari, 2006; Computer Course in Bina Sarana Informatika 2005: Microsoff Office, Microsoff Access, Adobe Photoshop 7.0, Visual Basic; Miniworkshop Agriculture Dryland by DAAD and SEAG Jerman 2004.
Di Sekolah Menengah Umum 1 Purworejo tahun angkatan 1998-2001 beliau aktif dalam:
Leader of Dewan Ambalan (Pradana) Pramuka SMU 1 Purworejo (1999-2000)
Leader of Majelis Permusyawaratan Kelas (MPK) SMU 1 Purworejo (1999-2000)
Sewaktu masih kuliah di UNSOED aktif dalam berbagai organisasi mahasiswa dikampus diantaranya:
2003-2004 : Leader Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknologi Hasil Pertanian (HIMATETA) Agriculture Facullty UNSOED (2003-2004)
2002-2003 : Member of the Internasinal Association Agriculture Students (IAAS)
2002-2003 : Dewan Legislatif Mahasiswa 2002-2003 : Dewan Penasehat Organisasi Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknologi Hasil Pertanian (HIMATETA) Agriculture Facullty UNSOED (2002-2003)
Setelah menyelasaikan kuliah di Unsoed beliau aktif dalam berbagai organisasi diluar diantaranya:
2004-2005 : Regional Coordinator (KORWIL) Jawa Tengah (JATENG) and Daerah Istimewa Jogjakarta (DIY) of Ikatan Mahasiswa Teknologi Pertanian Indonesia (IMTPI)
2003-2005 : Leader of Student Actifity Unit (UKM) at University on Computer Brainware Community (CBC) UNSOED
Berikut ini merupakan riwayat pekerjaan beliau setelah menyelesaikan kuliah di UNSOED:
2007 – Now : System and Processing PT. Centralpertiwi Bahari (CHAROEN PHOKPAN GROUP)
Key User System of Aplication Production (System Aplication Production)
Key User Sysatem Aplication Production (SAP) in Production Planing Modul (PP), Material Management Modul (MM).
Making a effiseice system of production
Planning, Control Inventory and Monitoring Order Manufacturing Suplies at Food Processing Plant 2
Application of Quality Management System Food Processing Plant
2006-2007 : Production Planning Inventory Control In Line (PPIC In Line) Supervisor (Processing Departement) PT Centralpertiwi Bahari:
Responsible with capacity of freezing and packing
Planning, Control Inventory and Monitoring Order Manufacturing Suplies at Food Processing Plant
Application of Quality Management System Food Processing Plant
Internal Auditor ISO 9000:2000
Member of Hazard Team

One comment

  1. Pa kbr mas? wes merit kah? call me ya. pgn liat ponakan mu g?

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